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Tema: [Source][RELEASE] Zombie Plague Mod 6.7 {CS:GO}

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  1. #1
    Administrator Avatar de gAN++
    Fecha de ingreso
    Feb 2001
    Barcelona, Spain

    Post [Source][RELEASE] Zombie Plague Mod 6.7 {CS:GO}

    Mod don't against valves' rules. Regarding this, now the plugin should prevent auto trigger ban, but be careful, use addons just with custom models

    Current Version: 6.7 Release
    Thank to MeRcyLeZZ, for this CS 1.6 Zombie Plague
    Regards to Greyscale and Richard Helgeby for many useful code

    < Logo submitted by Mr.Apple. Thank you! >


    Nowadays Zombie Plague become a new CS:GO server-side modification with API, developed as an source mod plugin based on new SourcePawn 1.7,
    which completely revamps the gameplay, turning the game into an intense "Humans vs Zombies" survival experience.

    Even though it's strongly based on the classic zombie infection mods, it takes the concept to a new level by introducing:
    • New Gameplay Modes: Nemesis, Survivor, Multi Infection, Swarm, Armageddon and more
    • Zombie Classes System: allowing add new zombie classes
    • Human Classes System: allowing add new human classes
    • Ammo Packs: awarded to skilled players, can be exchanged for goods
    • Extra Items System: allows adding unlimited custom items to buy
    • Custom Grenades: Napalms, Frost Nades, Fires and Flare
    • Deathmatch Mode: where zombies or humans can continually respawn
    • Admin Menu: to easily manage gamemodes and players
    • Special Effects: from the HL2 Engine, such as dark lighting, infection effects, fog, screen shake and etc
    • Level System: awarded by killing or infecting, increase damage, speed, gravity
    • Restoring System: allow to restore health, if you are zombie
    • Addons: like lasermines or jetpack

    Main Features
    • Weapons Support
    • ExtraItems Support
    • Zombie Classes Support
    • Human Classes Support
    • Zombie Escape Maps Support
    • Ammopack System with MySQL and SQLite Support
    • Custom Weapons Module
    • Level System
    • Flashlight and Nightvision
    • Custom Lighting, Fog, Sky, Sun
    • Different Game Modes:
      • Normal Infection
      • Multi Infection
      • Swarm Mode
      • Nemesis Mode
      • Survivor Mode
      • Armageddon
    • Respawn System
    • Restoring System
    • Sounds System
    • Hitboxes System
    • Knockback System
    • Log System
    • Ragdoll System
    • MotD Support
    • Leap Jumps
    • Freeze, Fire and Flare Nades
    • Game menu on "E"
    • Objective removal (C4/Hostage/Buyzone/Doors)
    • Kill & Infection Rewards
    • Natives and Forwards
    • Skills Module
    • Multi-Lanugage Support (All messages)
      • English Supported
      • Russian Supported

    Main settings

    Cfg file can be find here

    Código PHP:
    // Main map configures of ZOMBIE PLAGUE 
    // Execute this config after the map load.  

    // General Purpose 
    // ---------- 
    zp_delay_time "30" // Time before any game mode starts in seconds 
    zp_block_buy "0" // Block buying weapons after starting of round [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_remove_dropped "0.0" // Time before removing dropped weapons in seconds [0.0-disabled] 
    zp_level_system "1" // Enable level system [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_custom_models "1" // Enable custom weapon models [0-no // 1-yes] (Disable it, if you do not want to have ban) 

    // Configs 
    // ---------- 
    zp_config_path_downloads "zombieplague/downloads.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to downloads file 
    zp_config_path_sounds "zombieplague/sounds.ini" //  Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to sounds config file 
    zp_config_path_weapons "zombieplague/weapons.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapons config file   

    // Logs 
    // ---------- 
    zp_log "1" // Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are always logged 
    zp_log_module_filter "0" // Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged 
    zp_log_ignore_console "1" // Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs 
    zp_log_error_override "1" // Always log error messages no matter what logging flags or modules filters that are enabled 
    zp_log_print_chat "0" // Print log events to public chat in addition to the log file 

    // Jump boost 
    // ---------- 
    zp_jumpboost_enable "1" // Enable jump boost [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_jumpboost_multiplier "1.1" // Multiplier with power of jump 
    zp_jumpboost_max "300.0" // Maximum speed, which allow to increse jump 

    // Multi Mode 
    // ---------- 
    zp_multi_mode_enabled "1"  // Enable multiple infection mode [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_multi_mode_chance "20" // Chance (1 in X) 
    zp_multi_mode_min_players "0" // Minimum players required 
    zp_multi_mode_ratio "0.125" // Infect ratio (zombie count = ratio*player count) 

    // Swarm Mode 
    // ---------- 
    zp_swarm_mode_enabled "1" // Enable swarm mode [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_swarm_mode_chance "20" // Chance (1 in X) 
    zp_swarm_mode_min_players "0" // Minimum players required 
    zp_swarm_mode_ratio "2.0" // Infect ratio (zombie count = player count/ratio) 

    // Armageddon Mode 
    // ---------- 
    zp_armageddon_mode_enabled "1" // Enable armageddon mode [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_armageddon_mode_chance "20" // Chance (1 in X) 
    zp_armageddon_mode_min_players "0" // Minimum players required 

    // Humans 
    // ---------- 
    zp_human_grenades "hegrenade,decoy,smokegrenade" // Type of free grenades each spawn ["hegrenade,decoy,flashbang,incgrenade,molotov,smoke  grenade" - in the string divided by ','] 
    zp_human_armor_protect "1" // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_human_damage_reward "100" // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack 
    zp_human_level_multiplier "0.1" // Damage multiplier for each level (damage = level_multiplier*level) 
    zp_human_knife_knockback "100.0"  // Knockback of knife multiplier (2.0 = double knockback) 
    zp_human_unlimited_ammo "1" // Give unlimited amount of ammo [0-disabled // 1-BP ammo // 2-clip ammo] 
    zp_human_antidot_spawn "1" // Antidot will sent client to respawn zone ? 

    // Survivor 
    // ---------- 
    zp_survivor_mode_enabled "1" // Enable survivor mode [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_survivor_mode_chance "20" // Chance (1 in X) 
    zp_survivor_mode_min_players "0" // Minimum players required 
    zp_survivor_speed "1.3" // Speed 
    zp_survivor_gravity "0.8" // Gravity 
    zp_survivor_health "2000" // Health 
    zp_survivor_damage "3.0" // Damage of survivor multiplier (2.0 = double damage)  
    zp_survivor_damage_reward "2000" // How much damage survivor must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack 
    zp_survivor_unlimited_ammo "2" // Give unlimited amount of ammo for survivor and armageddon round [0-disabled // 1-BP ammo // 2-clip ammo] 
    zp_survivor_glow "1" // Glow effect [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_survivor_glow_color "0 0 255 255" // "RGBA" color of glowing 
    zp_survivor_model "models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix_heavy.mdl" // Player model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 
    zp_survivor_model_v_mach "models/weapons/v_mach_m60.mdl" // View m249 model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 
    zp_survivor_model_w_mach "models/weapons/w_mach_m60para.mdl" // World m249 model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 
    zp_survivor_model_v_pist "models/weapons/v_pist_dualinfinity.mdl" // View elite model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 
    zp_survivor_model_w_pist "models/weapons/w_inf_elite.mdl" // World elite model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 

    // Zombies 
    // ---------- 
    zp_zombie_grenades "" // Type of grenades allowed to use by zombie ["hegrenade,decoy,flashbang,incgrenade,molotov,smoke  grenade" - in the string divided by ','] 
    zp_zombie_additional_health "10000" // Additional health to first zombie 
    zp_zombie_nvg_give "1" // Enable custom nightvision [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_zombie_xray_give "1" // Enable custom x-ray for viewing through walls [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_zombie_silent "0" // Enable silent footsteps [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_zombie_bleeding "1" // Zombies leave footprints/bloodstains on the floor [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_zombie_fov "120" // Set fov eye distance 
    zp_zombie_level_ratio "0.03" // Ratio of increasing zombie values (speed and gravity) for each level (increase = ratio*level) 
    zp_zombie_restore "1" // Enable restoring health, when zombie dont moving [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_zombie_damage_reward "200" // How much damage zombie must deal on human to get an ammo pack 

    // Nemesis 
    // ---------- 
    zp_nemesis_mode_enabled "1" // Enable nemesis mode [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_nemesis_mode_chance "20" // Chance (1 in X) 
    zp_nemesis_mode_min_players "0" // Minimum players required 
    zp_nemesis_speed "1.5" // Speed 
    zp_nemesis_gravity "0.8" // Gravity 
    zp_nemesis_slash_damage "499.0" // Damage per slash 
    zp_nemesis_health_ratio "2000" // Health [player count*health ratio] 
    zp_nemesis_glow "1" // Glow effect [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_nemesis_glow_color "255 0 0 255" // "RGBA" color of glowing 
    zp_nemesis_model "models/player/kuristaja/walker/walker.mdl" // Player model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 
    zp_nemesis_model_knife "models/zombie/normalhost/hand/hand_zombie_normalhost.mdl" // Knife model, This model file is automatically downloaded, just add textures files into downloads.ini 

    // Leap jump 
    // ---------- 
    zp_leap_zombies "2" // Give leap to zombies [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] 
    zp_leap_zombies_force "500.0" // Force multiplier 
    zp_leap_zombies_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses 
    zp_leap_nemesis "1" // Give leap to nemesis 
    zp_leap_nemesis_force "700.0" // Force multiplier 
    zp_leap_nemesis_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses 
    zp_leap_survivor "0" // Give leap to survivor 
    zp_leap_survivor_force "500.0" // Force multiplier 
    zp_leap_survivor_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses 

    // Bonuses 
    // ---------- 
    zp_bonus_health "500" // How much health a zombie regains with every infection 
    zp_bonus_infect "1" // Ammo packs given to zombies for infecting a human 
    zp_bonus_kill "2" // Ammo packs given to humans for killing a zombie 

    // Deathmatch 
    // ---------- 
    zp_deathmatch "0" // Deathmatch mode during normal rounds, respawn as: [0-zombie // 1-human // 2-randomly // 3-balance] 
    zp_suicide "0" // Allow kill or suicide command [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_amount "5" // Times of respawn for zombie on normal infection mode 
    zp_respawn_time "5.0" // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds 
    zp_respawn_on_suicide  "1" // Respawn players if they commited suicide [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_after_last_human "1" // Respawn players if only the last human is left [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_infection_allow_respawn "1"  // Allow respawning on infection rounds [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_nemesis_allow_respawn "0" // Allow respawning on nemesis rounds [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_survivor_allow_respawn "0" // Allow respawning on survivor rounds [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_swarm_allow_respawn "0" // Allow respawning on swarm rounds [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_zombies "1" // Whether to respawn killed zombies [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_humans "0" // Whether to respawn killed humans [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_nemesis "0" // Whether to respawn killed nemesis [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_respawn_survivor "0" // Whether to respawn killed survivors [0-no // 1-yes] 
    // Ammopacks 
    // ---------- 
    zp_ammopacks_zombie_win "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a zombie 
    zp_ammopacks_zombie_fail "1" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a zombie 
    zp_ammopacks_human_win "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a human 
    zp_ammopacks_human_fail "1" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a human 

    // Effects 
    // ---------- 
    zp_veffects_smoke_explosion "1" // Smoke explosion on infection [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_veffects_splash "1" // Light sparkle on infection [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_veffects_shake "1" // Screen shake for infected player [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_veffects_shake_amp "15.0" // Amplitude of shaking effect 
    zp_veffects_shake_frequency "1.0" // Frequency of shaking effect 
    zp_veffects_shake_duration "4.0" // Duration of shaking effect 

    // Sky 
    // ---------- 
    zp_veffects_lightstyle "1" // Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_veffects_lightstyle_value "b" // Lightstyle value ['b' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest] 
    zp_veffects_sky "1" // Change map skybox [0-no // 1-yes]  
    zp_veffects_sky_path "jungle" // Skybox name. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List 
    zp_veffects_sun_disable "1" // Disable sun rendering on map [0-no // 1-yes] 

    // Fog 
    // ---------- 
    zp_veffects_fog "1" // Enable fog rendering on the map [0-no // 1-yes] 
    zp_veffects_fog_color "200 200 200" // Primary and secondary color of the fog 
    zp_veffects_fog_density "0.2" // Density (thickness) of the fog 
    zp_veffects_fog_startdist "300" // Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog 
    zp_veffects_fog_enddist "1200" // Distance from player to stop rendering fog 
    zp_veffects_fog_farz "4000" // Vertical clipping plane. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Env_fog_controller 

    // Ragdoll (Bodies) 
    // ---------- 
    zp_veffects_ragdoll_remove "1" // Remove players' ragdolls from the game after a delay 
    zp_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve "-1" // The ragdoll removal effect. ['-2' = Effectless removal | '-1' = Random effect | '0' = Energy dissolve | '1' = Heavy electrical dissolve | '2' = Light electrical dissolve | '3' = Core dissolve] 
    zp_veffects_ragdoll_delay "0.5" // Time to wait before removing the ragdoll 

    // Fire and explosions 
    // ---------- 
    zp_grenade_explosion_damage "6.0" // Damage of hegrenade multiplier (2.0 = double damage) 
    zp_grenade_igniting_damage "7.0" // Damage of molotov multiplier (2.0 = double damage) 
    zp_grenade_igniting_time "5.0" // Burning duration in seconds 

    // Resources 
    // ---------- 
    zp_overlay_zombie_win "overlays/zp/zg_zombies_win" // Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when zombies win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients 
    zp_overlay_human_win "overlays/zp/zg_humans_win" // Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients 
    zp_overlay_levels "overlays/zp/lvl/lvl_@_hud" // Overlays where "@" is number of level, relative to "materials" folder, to display when player take the level. This files are automatically downloaded to clients 

    // Help 
    // ---------- 
    zp_help_messages "1" // Enable help messages [0-no // 1-yes] 

    // Additional settings 
    // ---------- 
    mp_teamname_1 "HUMAN"  // Name of CT team 
    mp_teamname_2 "ZOMBIE" // Name of TE team 

    Also you can create custom map configs

    Configuration information:

    Open main config ..cfg/sourcemod/zombieplague.cfg
    Copy any cvar from there
    Create new config ..cfg/sourcemod/zombieplague/mapname.cfg, like de_dust2.cfg
    Insert this cvar in the new config

    Also admin and vip module integrate into mod

    Flags information:

    Código PHP:
    Name        Flag    Purpose 
    reservation    a Reserved slot access
    Also access to Make a human in admin menu
    generic        b Generic adminrequired for adminsAlso access to admin menu
    kick           c Kick other playersAlso access to Make a zombie in admin menu 
    ban            d Ban other players

    unban          e Remove bans
    slay           f Slay/harm other playersAlso access to Respawn players in admin menu 
    changemap      g Change the map
    Also access to Make a nemesis in admin menu 
    cvar           h Change most cvars

    config         i Execute config files and access to commandszp_config_reloadall 
    chat           j Special chat privileges

    vote           k Start or create votes
    password       l Set a password on the server
    rcon           m Use RCON commands
    cheats         n Change sv_cheats or use cheating commands
    root           z Magically enables all flags and ignores immunity values
    custom1        o Access to VIP group in Zombie Plague 
    custom2        p Access to Make a survivor in admin menu 
    custom3        q Access to Give ammopacks in admin menu 
    custom4        r Access to Start armageddon in admin menu 
    custom5        s Access to Start multi mode in admin menu 
    custom6        t Access to Start swarm mode in admin menu 

    Either manage database for ammopacks

    Database information:

    Open database config ..addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg
    Edit "clientammopacks" table
    You can use MySQL or SQlite database for ammopacks
    You must fill out the driver, host, database, user, and pass fields
    If you do not need a field, use empty quotation marks as the value ("")
    More information here

    This plugin is tested on the following Sourcemod & Metamod versions or newer.
    Metamod:Source: 1.10.6
    SourceMod: 1.7.3


    Código PHP:
    'zp_version' Prints version info about this plugin
    'zp_log_list' - List available logging flags and modules with their status values
    'zp_log_add_module <module> [module] ...' Add one or more modules to the module filter
    'zp_log_remove_module <module> [module] ...' Remove one or more modules from the module filter
    'zp_config_reload <file alias>' Reloads a config file
    'zp_config_reloadall' Reloads all config files


    Código PHP:
    'E' open a main game menu
    'F' - switch flasglight, if you are human or nightvision, if you are zombie. (+lookatweapon
    'SHIFT' plant lasermine, if addon exist
    'R" - pick up lasermine, if addon exist. 
    CTRL' + 'SPACE' - do leap jump or use it if you have a jetpack, if addon exist. 
    Do not move and press any button - for recovering HP, if you are zombie. 

    Extract everything from (.zip) to your server's csgo folder
    Allways change all files when you update on new version
    Better to install modification on clear server

    All mod's folders:

    Código PHP:
    Start server!

    Weapon customization

    All weapons loading from ../sourcemod/zombieplague/weapons.ini

    Código PHP:

    "weaponentity"   "weapon_elite" 
        "weaponcost"    "3" 
        "weaponslot"    "0" 
        "weaponlvl"      "1" 
        "weapononline"    "1" 
        "weapondamage"   "1.0" 
        "weaponknock"   "1.0" 

    NOTE: You can not change weapon name in menu. Mod will automatically do it!

    Description of weapon blocks:

    weaponentity: the entity name of the weapon refered to. (Don't change this)
    weaponcost: price of this weapon. ['0' = off any messages and weaponcost from menu]
    weaponslot: the slot index the weapon resides in. (Don't change this)
    0 - Pistols
    1 - Shotguns
    2 - Rifle
    4 - Snipers
    5 - Machineguns
    weaponlvl: the level of the player, which allow to buy weapon. ['0' = off]
    weapononline: the number of players, which allowed to buy weapon. ['0' = off]
    weapondamage: the damage multiplier for the weapon. ['0.5' = half damage | 2.0 = double]
    weaponknock: the knockback multiplier for the weapon. ['0.5' = half knockback | 2.0 = double]
    NOTE: To remove weapon just delete whole block!


    All extra items is separate plugins, method like in ZP 4.3 from CS 1.6
    For additional information see zombieplague.inc

    Instruction for creating custom extraitem:

    Create extra item plugin

    Código PHP:
    #include <sourcemod> 
    #include <sdktools> 
    #include <sdkhooks> 

    // Mod include 
    #include <zombieplague> 
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME                "AK47"  // If string has @, phrase will be taken from translation file. For example: "@AK47" require translation block, "AK47" not require      
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST                2       // Ammopacks cost     
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL               0       // The level of the player, which allow to buy item. ['0' = off] 
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE              0       // The number of players, which allowed to buy item. ['0' = off]  
    #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT               0       // The number of purchases, which allowed per round for player. ['0' = off] 
    int iItem
    void OnPluginStart() 

    // Initilizate extra item 

    Action ZP_OnExtraBuyCommand(int clientIndexint extraitemIndex

    // Verify client 
    // Check the item's index 
    if(extraitemIndex == iItem
    // Return ammopacks 
    if(IsPlayerHasWeapon(clientIndex"weapon_ak47") || ZP_IsPlayerZombie(clientIndex)) 
    // Give item 
    FakeClientCommand(clientIndex"use weapon_ak47"); 
    // Allow buying 
    return Plugin_Continue


    All zombie clases is separate plugins, method like in ZP 4.3 from CS 1.6
    For additional information see zombieplague.inc

    Instruction for zombie class:

    Create zombie class plugin
    Código PHP:
    #include <sourcemod> 
    #include <sdktools> 
    #include <sdkhooks> 

    // Mod include 
    #include <zombieplague> 

    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_NAME                "Classic" // If string has @, phrase will be taken from translation file 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_MODEL                "models/player/custom_player/cso2_zombi/zombie.mdl"     
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_CLAW                "models/zombie/normal_f/hand/hand_zombie_normal_f.mdl"     
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_HEALTH                4000 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_SPEED                1.0 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_GRAVITY            0.9 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_KNOCKBACK            1.0 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_FEMALE                YES 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_VIP                NO 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_DURATION            0     
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_COUNTDOWN            0 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_REGEN_HEALTH        60 
    #define ZOMBIE_CLASS_REGEN_INTERVAL        1.0 

     // Initialize zombie class index 
    int gZombie
    #pragma unused gZombie 

     * Plugin is loading. 
    public void OnPluginStart() 

    // Initilizate zombie class 
    gZombie ZP_RegisterZombieClass(ZOMBIE_CLASS_NAME,  

    NOTE: Mod will be precache all model files automatically! Just add textures into downloads.ini

    This is quite obviously against the stated rules and will very likely get your server banned if reported even if it doesn't currently trigger the automatic detections.

    Valve Model, Valve Texture = No.
    Valve Model, Custom Texture = No.
    Custom Model, Valve Texture = No.
    Custom Model, Custom Texture = Appears to be OK currently.

    Which models are supported:

    Player model:

    Knife model:

    Also, check model, it must have all animations like CS:GO knife, in this order

    Order of correct animations for CS:GO knife

    1. Draw
    2. Idle1
    3. Idle2
    4. Miss1
    5. Miss2
    6. Midslash1
    7. Midslash2
    8. Backslash1
    9. Backslash2
    10. Miss3
    11. Stab
    12. StabMiss
    Working example

    Wrong example

    NOTE: Download Counter Strike: Global Offensive SDK and use ModelViewer to check models in your game directory!


    All human clases is separate plugins, method like in ZP 5.0 from CS 1.6
    For additional information see zombieplague.inc

    Instruction for human class:

    Create human class plugin
    Código PHP:
    #include <sourcemod> 
    #include <sdktools> 
    #include <sdkhooks> 

    // Mod include 
    #include <zombieplague> 

    #define HUMAN_CLASS_NAME                "Classic" // If string has @, phrase will be taken from translation file 
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_MODEL                "models/player/tm_balkan_variantc.mdl"     
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_ARM                    "models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl"     
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_HEALTH                100 
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_SPEED                1.0 
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_GRAVITY                0.9 
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_ARMOR                0 
    #define HUMAN_CLASS_VIP                    NO 

     // Initialize human class index 
    int gHuman
    #pragma unused gHuman 

     * Plugin is loading. 
    public void OnPluginStart() 

    // Initilizate human class 

    NOTE: Mod will be precache all model files automatically! Just add textures into downloads.ini

    Write all material files into downloads list
    Custom models' materials must be listed in the download list so clients will download them. Use one line per file, with paths relative to the "csgo" folder.

    List files to be downloaded in the following file:

    Look at the default downloads in that file for an example on how to list files to be downloaded


    The sounds configuration file is a list of sounds used on the server stored in key/value format
    The sounds listed in this file are also precached when the server starts.
    You can add more sounds, in format "sound1", "sound2", "sound3"...
    Maximum length of full string must be less than 512 symbols

    Look at the default sounds in that file for an example

    Default sounds blocks:

    Código PHP:
    // Zombie death sounds 
    ZOMBIE_DEATH_SOUNDS "zbm3/zombi_death_1.mp3""zbm3/zombi_death_2.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_FEMALE_DEATH_SOUNDS "zbm3/zombi_death_1.mp3""zbm3/zombi_death_2.mp3" 
    // Zombie hurt sounds 
    ZOMBIE_HURT_SOUNDS "zbm3/zombi_hurt_1.mp3""zbm3/zombi_hurt_2.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_FEMALE_HURT_SOUNDS "zbm3/zombi_hurt_1.mp3""zbm3/zombi_hurt_2.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_NEMESIS_HURT_SOUNDS "zbm3/nemesis_pain1.mp3""zbm3/nemesis_pain2.mp3""zbm3/nemesis_pain3.mp3" 
    // Zombie infection sounds 
    ZOMBIE_INFECTION_SOUNDS "zpzs/zombie_infection_male.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_FEMALE_INFECTION_SOUNDS "zpzs/zombie_infection_female.mp3" 
    // Zombie respawn sounds 
    ZOMBIE_COMEBACK_SOUNDS "zbm3/zombi_comeback.mp3"     
    // Round start sounds 
    ZOMBIE_ROUND_START_SOUNDS "zbm3/round_start_1.mp3""zbm3/round_start_2.mp3" 
    // Zombie burn sounds 
    ZOMBIE_BURN_SOUNDS "zbm3/burn_male1.mp3""zbm3/burn_male2.mp3"                             
    ZOMBIE_FEMALE_BURN_SOUNDS "zbm3/burn_female1.mp3""zbm3/burn_female2.mp3" 
    // Zombie slash sounds 
    ZOMBIE_ATTACK_SOUNDS "zpzs/player_zombie_normal_male_attack1.mp3""zpzs/player_zombie_normal_male_attack2.mp3"         
    ZOMBIE_FEMALE_ATTACK_SOUNDS "zpzs/player_zombie_normal_female_attack1.mp3""zpzs/player_zombie_normal_female_attack2.mp3" 
    // Counter sounds, do not put more than 10 sounds 
    ZOMBIE_COUNTER_SOUNDS "zbm3/round/1.mp3""zbm3/round/2.mp3""zbm3/round/3.mp3""zbm3/round/4.mp3""zbm3/round/5.mp3""zbm3/round/6.mp3""zbm3/round/7.mp3""zbm3/round/8.mp3""zbm3/round/9.mp3""zbm3/round/10.mp3" 
    // Round sounds 
    ZOMBIE_NORMAL_ROUND "zbm3/the_horror1.mp3""zbm3/the_horror3.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_SWARM_ROUND "zbm3/the_horror2.mp3"   
    ZOMBIE_MULTI_ROUND "zbm3/the_horror4.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_ARMAGEDDON_ROUND "zbm3/nemesis2.mp3""zbm3/survivor2.mp3" 
    ZOMBIE_SURVIVOR_ROUND "zbm3/survivor1.mp3""zbm3/survivor2.mp3"   
    ZOMBIE_NEMESIS_ROUND "zbm3/nemesis1.mp3""zbm3/nemesis2.mp3" 

    A thank you to those, who helped:

    Community of Zombie-mod.ru (For ideas and testing)
    Panf3panf3 (Helping with zombie knife models)
    Vadim42rus (Porting players models from Counter-Strike: Online 2)
    Greyscale and Richard Helgeby (For a lot of useful code)
    ZASTRELIS (For helping and testing)
    inklesspen (For helping)


    If there are any bugs, please report them in this topic.

    Clic en la imagen para ver su versión completa. 

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Tamaño: 19.8 KB 
ID: 38Clic en la imagen para ver su versión completa. 

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Visitas: 399 
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ID: 35Clic en la imagen para ver su versión completa. 

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ID: 36
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