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[Problema] Problema con el HLVIS [SOLUCIONADO]

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New member
Bueno, el primer problema que tengo es que en algunos mapas la compilación del vis es MUY lenta.
Y el segundo problema, es que en mi último mapa me tiró unas advertencias pero no se que quieren decir :p

-= Current hlvis Settings =-
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 33554432 ] [ 33554432 ]
max vis distance [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

fast vis [ off ] [ off ]
full vis [ on ] [ off ]

(7.44 seconds)
(14266.36 seconds)
Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 576 and 580:
(-1089.084 -279.444 65.066)
(-1093.001 -280.000 65.000)
(-1137.000 -285.966 64.254)
(-1149.389 -259.894 64.044)
(-1149.389 -160.442 64.044)
(-1089.084 -170.664 65.066)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 602 and 618:
(-839.470 -280.053 42.279)
(-842.000 -287.795 41.051)
(-842.083 -288.000 41.017)
(-891.214 -137.584 54.780)
(-875.753 -143.344 55.646)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 677 and 679:
(-1487.000 584.586 34.000)
(-1177.875 342.224 147.888)
(-1139.154 311.692 162.154)
(-1055.221 234.866 193.076)
(-1103.072 161.106 175.447)
(-1487.000 444.000 34.000)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 679 and 541:
(-1231.857 256.000 128.000)
(-1072.136 161.848 175.076)
(-1093.001 161.333 175.333)
(-1103.072 161.106 175.447)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 683 and 685:
(-1398.000 544.897 52.000)
(-1121.491 454.997 91.501)
(-1075.125 439.750 98.125)
(-1034.875 422.250 103.875)
(-998.125 405.750 109.125)
(-967.500 389.000 113.500)
(-694.500 207.000 152.500)
(-1398.000 408.000 52.000)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 693 and 709:
(-1149.389 511.820 64.044)
(-1094.958 508.066 64.967)
(-1089.084 507.642 65.066)
(-1089.084 381.867 65.066)
(-1149.389 383.911 64.044)

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 868 and 882:
(-1536.000 512.000 0.000)
(-1536.000 640.000 0.000)
(-1536.000 640.000 0.000)
(-1532.235 640.000 7.529)
(-1531.000 634.931 10.000)
(-1531.000 512.000 10.000)

Average leafs visible: 343
g_visdatasize: 99558 compressed from 136633
14274.00 seconds elapsed [3h 57m 54s]
Quiero saber porqué se me genera esos Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf y si eso es lo que hace que la compilación sea lenta

PD: Ya se que compilé con vis full, pero aunque compile con vis normal es casi lo mismo, la diferencia es de pocos minutos :feca:


New member

For most well designed maps, vis should have a worst case run time of about 45 minutes on a single P2-300 class computer. If it is taking longer, then the map probably needs work to add vis blockers. Several things can make vis take way longer than usual:

First, if the world has been 'boxed in' to prevent leaks, vis has to spend large amounts of time on the exterior gaps which would normally not exist on a map without a box.

Second, The architecture which connects 'areas' together might be a bit confusing for vis to figure out. It is somewhat difficult to explain, but a few examples would be: halls lacking a wall somewhere which is not directly on the XZ or YZ plane; halls that intersect rooms on a plane other than XZ or YZ, large rooms with walls that are not vertical; halls that connect two areas but the areas can see each other through the hall; Lots of little tiny brushwork in an area (especially large areas) that is not an entity.

Third, vis is quickly brought to a crawl by large outdoor areas that are not extremely carefully constructed to not too see much 'indoors'.

And finally, using an older version of gensurf that does not support ZHLT's HINT brushes.

It is highly advised experiment heavily with test maps with sample architecture, using software mode, r_drawflat 1, and r_draworder 1 in order to see how vis works. Also, read the HINT brush tutorials described in the section on HINTs.

No tengo ganasd e traducir srry

Leaf portal saw into leaf

This occurs when you have a leaf which isn't entirely convex, so that at one position within the leaf you can look out of the leaf and see back into it.

This is often a difficult error to track down as changes in the brushes in your map may cause an increase in leafportal errors. Brushes with many faces sharing the same vertex, such as spikes, are particularly common causes of this error. Doing a -full VIS often fixes this problem. If all else fails, changing the brush to a func_wall may solve the problem.

Solucionas con VIS full o dando func_wall a los solidos (lo siento no tengo ganas ahora de traducir)


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