• Este proyecto es un proyecto que le tengo mucho amor y cariño por la historia que lleva. Pronto traeré actualizaciones, no los he olvidado! Atte. gAN++

Source Version: 7.0 (November 25, 2017)


Miembro del equipo
* Added hit group module. (hitboxes.ini)
* Added new level system module with MySQL and SQLite savings.
* Core optimisation.
* Weapons module rewritten.
* Regeneration of zombies are rewritten.
* New natives system and 94 of new natives.
* Added hud bar with level and exp.
* A lot of new cvars.
* Added view models and world models for classes. (weapons.ini)
* Possibility to change damage during executing of ZP_OnClientDamaged() forward.
* Added main menu module. (menus.ini)
* Fixed validations of weapons from entity to definition index.
* Reduce default size of dynamic glow.
* All menus work by separated addons.
* New addon of footsteps sounds.
* New addon of human grenades.
* New addon of applied damage info.
* Added auto antistick module from zr mod.
* Remove zombie escape addon.
* Level system sounds.
* New sounds.
* Addon of hitgroup menu.
* Damage and knockback system fixes.
* New reward system.
* Old level overlays are removed.
* Database addon improvements.
* New validation for classes to prevent them to auto choose them on start without access.
* New weapon system and level validations. (Won't pickup weapon if you don't have needed level)
* New fixed the implementation of human arm model.
* Optimized method of searching view model objects.
* Optimized extra items and zombie, human classes modules by adding new arrays.
* Some new introduction messages.
* Fix with sounds logs.
* Fix of fake damage. Now damage applying normally.
* Fix when round didn't end on the last human infection,
* Fix of the spamming menu on E, now menu won't sent to the client if it already opened.
* A lot of other minor fixes and changes.